Art Club
Faculty Advisor: Sarah Aguila

Art club will explore the use of multiple mediums, will require members to bring in found/recyclable objects for some projects and will provide advanced skill learning time in many art areas.

Chess Club
Faculty Advisor: Peter Merkel

Students learn the basics of chess and compete against each other in informal matches and tournaments.

Forensics Team
Faculty Advisor: Theresa Dixon

The forensics team is made up of individuals and teams competing in a variety of different events. These events span the areas of public speaking, acting, reading and interpretation. Organized competition takes place at middle schools around the region and students can earn points toward competing at the state competition.

Pep Band
Faculty Advisor:

Pep Band performs at assemblies and basketball games. Open to middle and high school students enrolled in the instrumental music program at SCHS.

Student Council
Faculty Advisors: Lori Prideaux

This group serves as the liaison between students and administration regarding student opinions/concerns. The Student Council organizes annual activities such as Homecoming and Winter Formal, as well as various fundraisers, service projects, and other activities throughout the school year. The Council is open to all students and elects officers from among its membership.