Student Life
Community, prayer, service, and study: these are the pillars of the Dominican Order, and for nearly 150 years St. Catherine's has strived to instill these values.
One of our primary objectives when working with students is creating socially responsible women and men.
What does that mean?
Well, it means that inside the classroom and out, we are always striving to teach our young people how their everyday actions can positively impact their family and friends, their community, and the world at large.
Each year, things like coordinating and leading all-school prayer services and retreats, tutoring troubled youths, working or donating blood at our annual blood drives, and delivering anti-bullying messages to local schools help our students learn the importance of becoming trustworthy, socially responsible individuals.
St. Catherine's undertakes countless volunteer projects intended to teach the importance of being thoughtful, compassionate and selfless. During the holidays students collect warm clothes for the homeless, and fill Christmas baskets for struggling families. Each spring, in conjunction with the Feast of St. Catherine (April 29), students and staff go into local neighborhoods for the annual “Day With a Purpose” (formerly “Walk With a Purpose”) during which they work with kids, build houses, paint churches, and more.
High School Academics
SCHS curriculum is designed to challenge students while both providing a strong foundation of knowledge and the allowing the opportunity to explore different fields of study.
The school is dedicated to continuous innovation, and in the interest of preparing students to excel in an increasingly technological world, every Angel completes curriculum on an Apple iPad.